Comments on: Extending elearning? Clark Quinn's learnings about learning Tue, 02 Dec 2008 15:21:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Clark Tue, 02 Dec 2008 15:21:54 +0000 Kevin, thanks for the analysis, I don’t have enough recent Sharepoint experience. So, could there be a smooth integration of content and social? A great example would help, or we need to think conceptually…

Agreed on the need to think strategically. As I wrote in a Training Magazine Soapbox back in 2004. Four years later…

By: Kevin Jones Tue, 02 Dec 2008 06:46:17 +0000 Clark – Sharepoint has two major downfalls as I see it. 1) as you pointed out, it is focused on files whereas social media is focused on people. Same content, different approach and different focus, big difference. 2) Sure, SP’07 integrates parts of social media. But that is only because it is one year old. SP’s next upgrade isn’t until 2012. A LOT can and will happen on an evolutionary scale to social media, quickly putting SP behind (if it is not already).

Your point of needing to expand beyond typical & current elearning skills cannot be stressed enough. As a profession, learning is already playing catch-up. We can’t afford to lag behind any longer.
