Ruchi, agreed, everyone doing knowledge work, at least, needs access. And, increasingly, anyone not doing knowledge work should probably be automated or outsourced, as rote behavior isn’t really a core competency. Except, perhaps, craftsmanship?
Thanks for the thoughts!
]]>Your posts are always a great read offering insights into the real world of modern organizations and the field of Learning.
In the digital age and knowledge work , every employee in the organization needs to have access to timely information to execute tasks, make decisions with agility.
This is where Learning or KM , collaborative learning plays role and not training.
( Just another cost). How do we as Learning Pros shift paradigm of some of the Executives who aren’t willing to see things beyond training would be detrimental factor . How a Learning / KM process is helping every employee in an organization succeed would be the measure of our own success.
These are some of my personal thoughts, i thought to share with you and others via your blog.
I’d love to chat some time to get your thoughts, compare notes, since it seems we’re both got a common goal here.