Comments on: Predictions for 2010 Clark Quinn's learnings about learning Thu, 27 Jan 2011 19:16:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Communications Forum Thu, 27 Jan 2011 19:16:19 +0000 Virtual worlds is a little bit suspect to me. I think that virtual technology will really take off, like VMware and cloud based computing, but I’m not as confident that virtual worlds are in that same category. I think SecondLife is dying or already dead. Just my opinion.

By: Stephen J. Gill Wed, 06 Jan 2010 14:07:56 +0000 Clark, I share your hope that “…organizations will start taking a more serious approach to a broad picture of learning. The need in organizations is for learning to not be an add-on, isolated, but instead to be part of the infrastructure.” But my fear is that “elearning” (including social-network-learning, mobile-learning, and virtual-world-learning) will continue to be seen as the solution rather than a means to an end (i.e.,learning). Companies continue to hop to the next, great technology fad without first being clear about what they want employees to learn and why. We need fast learning, but not at the expense of goal clarity and business results.

By: Clark Tue, 05 Jan 2010 18:34:44 +0000 Robert, thanks for the kind words. Agreed; I think it can often be important for someone to get their hands dirty with an easy solution to ‘get’ the opportunity, but as they move into serious development they’ll likely want industrial-strength tools. Thanks for the feedback!

By: Robert Gadd Tue, 05 Jan 2010 17:27:36 +0000 Hi Clark,

I, for one, appreciate your thought leadership and vocal support for each of these three emerging learning technologies. Given we’re actively involved in two of them (mlearning and social – and focused on continuing efforts to find way of seamlessly combining the two together!), your shared insights into the coming future help complete the cycle of moving past the chasm crossing with those first visionary customers and moving up the model to support the early adopters and mainstream users. And while I agree with your statement that there are many “reasonable and cheap (read: free)ways to develop mobile apps”, our experience points to the fact that enterprise accounts may exhibit early interest in these basic tools as they begin to dabble with what mlearning is all about, but once they get serious and need to deploy a solid solution for learning reinforcement, just-in-time access, performance support, sales enablement, whatever, their need to make their mobile learning efforts more scalable, secure, flexible, integration-ready and “enterprise-grade” often dictates the use/adoption of better tools and platforms which likely come at a price.

In our experience, mobile learning and social-enabled platforms from companies like our own (as well as Intuition, Outstart/Hot Lava Software, RIM/Chalk, Giunti Labs and a few others) are probably not the “first mobile tools a company tries” but we’re often the second or third one they end up coming with once they realize they need a vendor to stand behind what they are using, to teach them what works and what doesn’t, and ensure their efforts meet their requirements in whatever format, on whatever device, in whatever method they desire — all while being tracked and secure and easily supported.

Agreed, the timing for mobile, social and virtual are all nigh, and the growing adoption trends will carry things forward for everyone’s mutual benefit. And just like many (most?) Global 5000 enterprise organizations don’t rely on open source LMS/LCMS platforms to manage their entire L/D responsibilities, enterprise-grade mobile learning solutions and platforms are a sound business decision for those companies who are serious about mobile learning content creation, development, deployment and tracking. And these platforms are generally not cheap or free but certainly can prove their ROI and value in both the short and long term too.

Keep up the great efforts and looking forward to following your progress on your upcoming book as well!
