Comments on: The (Initial) iPad Experience Clark Quinn's learnings about learning Thu, 13 May 2010 02:40:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Evylyn Quinones Thu, 13 May 2010 02:40:40 +0000 Hi,

I love my IPad. I work as a Teacher and Technology Coordinator at an Elementary School. I used to carry my laptop with me everywhere, now with the use of the IPad my life is easier. I love the use of Keynote and Pages. With the use of you can easily share your files between your computer and IPad without a problem while it keeps it saved in the cloud. I’m also using Adobe Ideas with no problems. I use my IPad to work with small groups while watching educational videos from You Tube or Discovery Education. Having the opportunity to make any research, answer emails and read books while I listen to music is a plus. I hope students can have access to this wonderful tool in a short period of time.

Thanks for sharing your experiences with us.

By: Clark Sat, 10 Apr 2010 00:25:56 +0000 Stephen, thanks, I had found Adobe Ideas after posting this, and it’s happily on my machine! I couldn’t initially find out how to post from the WordPress app, but have now done so. I was really surprised that the DVDs I’d put on my iPhone (purchased ones, mind you) looked even better on the iPad (thought I’d scaled for the iPhone, but looked great). Haven’t looked into Netflix, as seemed it might be an extra charge (we have an account: the 3DVDs at one time).

JRA, it seems that both Pages and Keynote are significantly less than what’s on the Mac, which is not surprising but wasn’t well signaled. It appears that my custom theme (the Quinnovation colors) can’t be used?!? Happy to be wrong. I like that you’re able to whip up presentations for your class; that’s a really nice way to use it!

Thanks for the great feedback!

By: JRA Thu, 08 Apr 2010 14:35:11 +0000 I highly recommend Keynote. Maybe Pages and less so Numbers, depending on your needs. Keynote is an impressive and powerful application for a mobile device. I’ve already tried a couple Keynote presentations for my classes, they work well — and they are extremely easy to import or develop on the iPad.

By: Stephen Martin Thu, 08 Apr 2010 12:50:49 +0000 Take a look at Adobe Ideas (free) or Draw for iPad (free) for sketching. Also, since you’re running WordPress, the WordPress app is nice for posting and managing comments. I’ve got Omni Graffle. For me, it’s been worth it (though is was really hard to hit the “Buy” button at that price point). I have some issues with a number of apps being a bit buggy. I think it’s because developers didn’t get pre-release hardware–they had to develop using the software simulator–so I’m not surprised. I’ve already seen a number of my apps updated with bug fixes now that the developers have been able to get their hands on the real thing. The iPad’s media capabilities have been surprising. As a Netflix subscriber, I *love* the Netflix app for streaming movies straight to the iPad. The ABC player is nice as well (and if other networks and studios follow this route, the “I can’t watch Hulu because it’s Flash-based argument goes out the window). And, as you state, battery life is amazing. I watched two movies over Netflix then took notes, checked e-mail, browsed the Web, etc. for 8 hours and still had over 20% of my battery life remaining.
