Comments on: Interactivity & Mobile Development Clark Quinn's learnings about learning Wed, 19 May 2010 18:17:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Doug Miller Wed, 19 May 2010 18:17:50 +0000 Hi Clark,

I really enjoyed your presentation today on the ASTD Los Angeles eLearning Special Division meeting (online). On another note, I thought I would share a document that has made a big impact on my thinking about the web. It comes out of the Web 2.0 Summit conference by O’Reilly & TechWeb. They are calling the next wave of innovation online Web Squared. ( One point that sticks out to me is the idea that the Web is now A PART OF the world. It is no longer a platform in the world. And evidence for this is supported by another idea I find facinating… the idea that we are now casting a “digital shadow” as we walk through the world.
