Comments on: What is the Important Work? Clark Quinn's learnings about learning Wed, 15 Feb 2012 19:35:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ben K Mon, 20 Sep 2010 13:10:43 +0000 This is spot on. I have already watched employees struggle with adapting to this change, and I do think it is essentially concept work we’re talking about. While many around me seem to sense things must get done faster to stay competitive, very few seem to understand that this can’t be solved by asking people to work through existing processes faster, commit more to memory, and “cross-train” more frequently. I humbly suggest they’re unaware of the root issue that should be addressed — that the approach on HOW to work (and what training is provided as a result) very much affects the quality of
what is produced and how fast it is brought to market.

Where I’m currently working, those who approach problems with an innovator’s attitude rather than assembly line thinking are appreciated because they repeatedly analyze and solve the most complex problems. They’re the ones who constantly strive to understand the core concepts and see the connections. But there are also plentiful step-by-step process followers, and in the past few years they have grown increasingly nervous about their job security. Most of them still don’t understand what has fundamentally changed.

Thanks for speaking out on this. It’s good to know someone else sees it.

By: I don’t think, therefore I am not… « Explain Technology Mon, 20 Sep 2010 13:07:22 +0000 […] Quinn confirms in What is the Important Work: Training people to do rote work is a dying […]
