Comments on: ITA Predictions 2013
Clark Quinn's learnings about learningWed, 20 Feb 2013 05:03:24 +0000
By: Internet Time Blog : 195 posts about MOOCs
Wed, 20 Feb 2013 05:03:24 +0000[…] ITA Predictions 2013 […]
By: Ara Ohanian
Tue, 08 Jan 2013 11:40:40 +0000 see more attempted use of mobile and that many organizations will get it wrong. I think the risk many organizations face is not only trying to cram courses onto phones but also missing the point that within two years mobile will be the default method of accessing the internet for most of the world. We wonâ€t need a mobile strategy, mobile will simply become the dominant medium.]]>Good thinking as always from the ITA. Clark, I agree that we’ll see more attempted use of mobile and that many organizations will get it wrong. I think the risk many organizations face is not only trying to cram courses onto phones but also missing the point that within two years mobile will be the default method of accessing the internet for most of the world. We won’t need a mobile strategy, mobile will simply become the dominant medium.