Comments on: Assessing online assessments Clark Quinn's learnings about learning Mon, 13 May 2013 21:23:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jeff Walter Mon, 13 May 2013 21:23:50 +0000 As I read your post I thought of the difference between educating and training. To me, educating is about enabling someone to achieve a higher level of enlightenment on a subject matter, while training is about helping them acquire and internalize information and/or techniques.

Many of your points are spot on in the context of educating someone, but when the focus is training, I believe it can be highly automated.

By: Ara Ohanian Mon, 13 May 2013 13:28:17 +0000 re right that there is not enough meaningful practice out there. Certainly nothing that can be automated. Whether it is setting an exam question and marking it or requiring a stretch activity at work and assessing performance against it - human agency will always be required to understand and feed back on the nuance of activity and help the learner understand where they have succeeded and where they need extra work.]]> Clarke, you raise a really good point about what happens after we learn. And you’re right that there is not enough meaningful practice out there. Certainly nothing that can be automated. Whether it is setting an exam question and marking it or requiring a stretch activity at work and assessing performance against it – human agency will always be required to understand and feed back on the nuance of activity and help the learner understand where they have succeeded and where they need extra work.

By: Jane Hart Thu, 09 May 2013 17:11:37 +0000 Hi Clark – agree very much on accrediting skills rather than knowledge as the latter so quickly gets out of date. That’s why Harold and I are helping LPI to accredit new skills for the learning profession – and very 21st century ones too Janre
