Comments on: Why models matter Clark Quinn's learnings about learning Sun, 10 Sep 2017 08:37:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: MWL Newsletter No 30 – Centre for Modern Workplace Learning Sun, 10 Sep 2017 08:37:12 +0000 s not.  To put it another way, metaphors are the basis for mental models that explain and predict what happens. But metaphors and models simplify things, making certain […]]]> […] allowed conversation and what’s not.  To put it another way, metaphors are the basis for mental models that explain and predict what happens. But metaphors and models simplify things, making certain […]

By: AlanB Wed, 06 May 2015 09:42:18 +0000 Well positioned Clark and I must say I can empathise with you saying you’re a “collector of models” – I find that I’m doing it too!

To my mind, one of the greatest challenges we have in L&D is to be able to show “what good looks like”. Very often, “good” is shown in terms of current high performers, and whilst that’s a step in the right direction it’s just that – a step, not a destination. With models we can show
1. What the ultimate goal (at least as currently perceived) looks like.
2. Where an organisation/ group is at the moment. And
3. The pathways to fast-track progress.

And finally, I find that models create a great basis for collaboration; on the basis that digital publishing reverses the traditional publishing sequence (into write/ publish/ review) they provide a great way to get additional input and to create mind-share.

Keep the models coming,please, Clark!
