Comments on: A solid education platform Clark Quinn's learnings about learning Tue, 03 Jul 2018 15:33:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Clark Tue, 03 Jul 2018 15:33:50 +0000 In reply to Kim Flintoff.

I am challenged by your five characteristics, as they seem at different levels. For instance, collaboration is a way to do problem-solving (as the title of Roschelle & Teasley suggests). And Global Sustainability is at a very different level than Personal Learning. And, for personal learning, why not Jarche’s PKM? Your list are all good things, don’t get me wrong, but very different, so I wonder why these five were chosen. I’m sure other things were seen across many projects around the world include representation, systematicity, humane values, etc. And already some good lists include 21C skills (see I’m not saying what you’re doing is a bad thing, I’m just trying to contextualize it in terms of other, existing, initiatives.

By: Kim Flintoff Tue, 03 Jul 2018 03:41:24 +0000 Identifying Future Readiness

This crowdsourcing project is aimed at developing a framework for identifying, developing, collecting evidence of and evaluating key attributes of future ready learners.

We would like your ideas, comments and advice to define and refine the attributes.

The top level of the framework, which we have found across many projects around the world, includes COLLABORATION, CREATIVITY, PERSONAL LEARNING, PROBLEM SOLVING and GLOBAL SUSTAINABILITY (includes recognising and valuing the culture and needs of others) and reflects those attributes for which there is historical research.

We understand that learner attributes will manifest in many different ways depending upon content and level of development. For example they may have cognitive, behavioural and emotional components that will vary from the youngest to the eldest learners.

The project will step through 4 main phases:

Define the attributes and identify broad elements of evidence;
Identify the indicators of these elements at different stages of life-long learning;
Refine and categorise the indicators with degrees of confidence;
Identify the most appropriate approaches learning design and pedagogy to support the continued development of the attributes.

By: Clark Wed, 20 Jun 2018 16:14:33 +0000 In reply to Curtis Pembrook.

Curtis, thanks for the update. Of course, I’m happy to help! ;)

By: Curtis Pembrook Wed, 20 Jun 2018 06:01:45 +0000 m a professor at a community college in Santa Clara, CA. #2 & #3 are being addressed via the California Community Colleges Pathways Initative. The real challenge is getting the administration, faculty, curriculum committees, and accrediting bodies to buy-in to #1!]]> Great ideas Clark! I’m a professor at a community college in Santa Clara, CA. #2 & #3 are being addressed via the California Community Colleges Pathways Initative. The real challenge is getting the administration, faculty, curriculum committees, and accrediting bodies to buy-in to #1!
