Comments on: A message to CxOs 2: about org learning myths Clark Quinn's learnings about learning Thu, 13 May 2021 16:04:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Clark Thu, 13 May 2021 16:04:12 +0000 In reply to Natali Jacob.

Natali, two things. First, on selling competency mapping: what other basis do they see for determining development paths? You have to understand what their objections and beliefs are. Mention that accompanying that mapping exercise is a prioritization effort to focus on the biggest gaps to success for the organization. They care about their pains and WIIFM, make it clear how this makes the org better and them look good ;). Then as to resources or templates of skills mapping, what skills are you focusing on? The US labor department has a suite, at least one is here: I’ve asked my colleagues if there’s another. Stay tuned.

By: Natali Jacob Thu, 13 May 2021 09:32:51 +0000 I read your book and could not agree more! We do need to shift from L&D to P&D! However, I really want to map the employees skills in order to assess the gaps and act accordingly, but do not know from where to start or how to “sell” it to managers in order to prepare a plan :)
I also try to see if there are resources or template of skills mapping and cannot find any…
Any suggestions?
