Comments on: More Marketing Malarkey Clark Quinn's learnings about learning Mon, 16 Aug 2021 18:47:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Clark Mon, 16 Aug 2021 18:47:34 +0000 In reply to Dave.

Dave, not off topic at all, a good question. Given your assumption, I wouldn’t make it appear like a whole bunch of courses. I’d keep it under the guise of a single learning ‘course’, and in the introduction, explain how the course works, e.g that it’ll be little bits regularly, as opposed to a whole bunch at once. (And if your LMS can’t do that, er…you know what to do. ;) At least, that’s what I infer is the best approach.

By: Dave Mon, 16 Aug 2021 15:22:17 +0000 Yikes! Thanks for continuing to call these things out, Clark! It’s troubling how these ‘zombies’ persist…

Here’s an adjacent question to this regarding microlearning, and please ignore this if I’m steering you off-topic. There are sometimes topics we design for where I think microlearning would be suitable, but I get a lot of pushback (from within our own team, primarily). There’s the thought that even if the courses themselves are “right-sized”, trainees will see the plethora of items they have to complete in the LMS and become overwhelmed. How would you counter this concern (obviously assuming we’ve properly identified microlearning as an appropriate technique for a given topic in the first place)?
