Comments on: Misleading Malarkey Clark Quinn's learnings about learning Sat, 29 Apr 2023 02:06:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sri Hari Sat, 29 Apr 2023 02:06:06 +0000 Learning by Doing is the need of the age we are living in…

Could the mindset of simply engaging the learner possibly emerge from colonization?

As education to the colonizers was a medium through which they could generate clerks who possess some information to work for them in their colonies…

As long as we stick to the mindset of engaging the learner passively, imbuing learners with embodied knowledge will be impossible!

By: Tatyana Fri, 28 Apr 2023 22:57:02 +0000 After 20+ years in trying to teach people various things, I wholeheartedly agree with you. There is a dopamine hit we do get from going after a thing that we deem as good to attain, but it also comes from perceiving something that naturally piques our interest. This dopamine doesn’t PUT THINGS INTO OUR LONG-TERM MEMORY for us. To do that we have to engage a lot more of our brains. Even more so to change existing behaviors!
