Comments on: The Pivotal Point Clark Quinn's learnings about learning Mon, 20 Nov 2023 15:11:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Russell Thomas, Ph.D., MCSE, MCT Mon, 20 Nov 2023 15:11:59 +0000 I cannot agree with you more Clark, when you write: “Quite simply, L&D has a problem of going from go-to-whoa without considering whether a course is the right solution”…

There are plenty of people out there who know ‘how’ to do learning things, there are much too few who know what ‘should’ be done.

Thank you for sharing this with the learning community. I am working on a new book that is a call to arms to learning professionals to address the lack of ‘wisdom’ in our too-rapidly growing industry.

By: Clark Tue, 14 Nov 2023 19:11:57 +0000 In reply to Paula Walker.

Thanks, Paula. Yep, I recently heard a brief video from Brinkerhoff on 5 points he’s learned from his research. He spent most of the video on the first, which was exactly on the necessity of supervisor support.

By: Paula Walker Tue, 14 Nov 2023 17:26:22 +0000 Clark,

I thoroughly enjoyed reading your review and insights on The L&D Pivot Point. As an aspiring Instructional Designer, I focus on Quality Assurance and performance. I look forward to reading the eBook and gaining a better insight into how to deliver and incorporate the courses we create. You make excellent points on how information is often dumped into laps and performance is expected to improve. You mentioned Guy’s comments on supervisor support. Supervisor and leadership support is 100% crucial for the success of any implementation of new ideas.
