Blame it on Marcia Conner (@marciamarcia), who’d been participating in Twitter chats for journalists and editors. She found them educational, and prodded a couple of us that maybe we should create the same sort of thing to talk about learning. We visited a few other chats, and it seemed worth experimenting with (it’s our duty, after all!). One thing led to another, and here we are:
The first learn chat happens *this* Thursday, 5PM – 7PM PT, 8-10 PM ET. What do you have to do?
To participate, you need a Twitter account, and then at the annointed time you can:
a) go to TweetChat where you use your Twitter account information to login, and when prompted for the room name, say lrnchat,
b) use Twitter search for the hashtag #lrnchat and put that in all your posts if you want your tweets to be part of the chat, or
c) use Twitter apps like Tweetdeck or Tweetgrid to seek out comments from other chatters.
Make sense?
I expect for this first chat we’ll talk about twitter itself and the tweet chat process, as well as identifying possible topics for subsequent chats. The success of previous tweet chats has depended on a regularly scheduled time, so that time on Thursdays will be a regular gig. It’s like a chatroom, but using Twitter (low overhead). There’ll be a moderator for each chat to toss out questions and keep us sort of on point.
Hope to see you there! Please feel free to spread the word to other learning, development, performance professionals who are on Twitter.
Clark Quinn (@quinnovator)
Mark Oehlert (@moehlert)
Marcia Conner (@marciamarcia)*
*Who tidied my prose
Nice summary of todays activity on the hashtag at: and put in #lrnchat
Thanks for organizing and facilitating an excellent conversation this evening.
Will this be a weekly event?
Yes, Gminks, weekly. Though whether twitter is an open question!
Loved finding this flashback, Clark. Thank you!