Sky’s blog post on meta-learning is sparked by Jessica Margolin’s post on helicopter parenting. Now we’re talking! I’m probably a bit guilty, frankly, of hovering, but I do also try and point out the meta-lessons on process, and model what I’m doing.
But Sky pulls out the important bit, that the skills going forward aren’t the skills that schools are focused on. It’ll be about process, about creativity. As Einstein said: “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”
I’d suggest that we do face some quite serious problems, for instance there was an interesting debate on a discussion list I belong to, sparked by an animated editorial on our current state. One side was saying we needed to slow down and evaluate our values. The other side said that we weren’t giving enough credit to our ability to innovate. Where do you come down on this?
I’ve suggested the type of curriculum I think we need. Of course, if we follow Einstein’s dictum, once we make that step, we’ll create new problems, and then we’ll need the step after. Not that I know what that step is…
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