Lisa Neal and I have co-written an article about whether there are topics that serious games weren’t appropriate for. If you know me, you can probably guess where we come down on the topic ;).
Her blog has a bunch of interesting 10 things lists. For instance, her most recent post presents 10 reasons why text is better than podcasting. I responded:
I recall a story about an organization where the engineering groups produced white papers that the others wanted to read but didn‘t have time. The training group had someone read the white papers to make audio files, so the engineers could listen to them on their commutes. The engineers demanded more! (How often do training groups get demands for more of their services?!?!)
So, while I personally am not particularly auditory, and you make good points, there are times when they‘re the best tool for the job, as the other commenters suggest.
And, of course, there’s ‘voice’ . So, two topics of conversation. What do you say?
I had a variety of comments on my post on podcasts, both posted on the blog and emailed to me. I realize that there is a lot of complexity to this issues, since voice is best for people with disabilities or low literacy or when people are in situations where their eyes are otherwise occupied. I also am not a television watcher, unlike most Americans, and, as was pointed out to me, this may influence my personal preferences. American Idol, anyone?
Thanks for the link, Clark, and also congratulations on the publication of the 360 Games study for eLearning Guild – both will help to inform a study that has just started at the UK MOD’s Defence Academy, looking at the possible applications of Serious Games and Virtual Environment in our HE context (principally around technology, management and leadership). I hope that we will be able to make some of the study outcomes available in due course.
Martin, thanks to you. Do check out the previous 360 report on ILS, too. Interestingly, am currently working on a project developing games for higher ed. Hope we can, indeed, hear about the outcomes of your study! There are lots of interesting questions that can still be addressed, such as the value of fantastic settings for transfer, scaffolding reflection in-game, etc. Would welcome the opportunity to help, of course.
I started Podcasting about a year ago and it is more exciting than blogging. I love podcasting maybe because i love music so much and radio programs when i was still a kid.