For a person who was unfortunately unable to attend Dr. Ahonen’s conference, I find your mind map, Dr. Quinn, quite illuminating. Particularly the node on the developing world and the new opportunities opening up for educational and economic growth in some countries.
And here, I digress…What if we could sell the idea to Mr. Slim, the Mexican billionaire mogul who has made his fortune on the back of the huge Mexican population’s telecommunications needs, to donate to a project targeting Mexican kids right at the ages they are being recruited (11-14 years?) to participate in drug trafficking or related business, to instead being engaged by mLearning nuggets to seek personal interests, information and development that leads to safer more fulfilling goals? What if we could do the same with our American youth in inner cities to dissuade them from joining the perilous gangs they inevitably join?
I believe the affordability and ubiquity of mobile and smart mobile devices can be used to transform some communities virtually and in RT!
Does anyone know if there is “an e-village” already dreaming up social transformation through m-communities of young under served kids?
Millie, I love the idea. I would like to think that we could intervene, but I do feel it’s hard for small nuggets to change the context that leads to gang membership: lack of other role models, no obvious alternative, lack of money, etc. The flash of the ‘life’ versus the drudge of working in a menial job. It replicates on the streets of LA, Jamaica, Colombia, and elsewhere. Anywhere the gap between the wealthy and the poor is too much to be bridged by legitimate means.
A concerted effort would be desirable, that links the mobile phone activities with real opportunities to succeed. And I’d try to hit them earlier with some realistic game/activity that helps them see the odds, the impact of the gang activities on other people, etc. Worth thinking about.
For a person who was unfortunately unable to attend Dr. Ahonen’s conference, I find your mind map, Dr. Quinn, quite illuminating. Particularly the node on the developing world and the new opportunities opening up for educational and economic growth in some countries.
And here, I digress…What if we could sell the idea to Mr. Slim, the Mexican billionaire mogul who has made his fortune on the back of the huge Mexican population’s telecommunications needs, to donate to a project targeting Mexican kids right at the ages they are being recruited (11-14 years?) to participate in drug trafficking or related business, to instead being engaged by mLearning nuggets to seek personal interests, information and development that leads to safer more fulfilling goals? What if we could do the same with our American youth in inner cities to dissuade them from joining the perilous gangs they inevitably join?
I believe the affordability and ubiquity of mobile and smart mobile devices can be used to transform some communities virtually and in RT!
Does anyone know if there is “an e-village” already dreaming up social transformation through m-communities of young under served kids?
Millie, I love the idea. I would like to think that we could intervene, but I do feel it’s hard for small nuggets to change the context that leads to gang membership: lack of other role models, no obvious alternative, lack of money, etc. The flash of the ‘life’ versus the drudge of working in a menial job. It replicates on the streets of LA, Jamaica, Colombia, and elsewhere. Anywhere the gap between the wealthy and the poor is too much to be bridged by legitimate means.
A concerted effort would be desirable, that links the mobile phone activities with real opportunities to succeed. And I’d try to hit them earlier with some realistic game/activity that helps them see the odds, the impact of the gang activities on other people, etc. Worth thinking about.