Well, there’s a whole lotta webinar action going around around here. Let me fill you in and hope to see you online:
Rethinking eLearning
First, I’ll be talking next week as the closing speaker at the eLearning Guild’s January Online Forum on Instructional Design next week (I’m speaking at noon PT on Friday the 21st).
I’ll be talking on Beyond ID: Augmenting Performance, which caps a fabulous series of talks on Instructional Design (launched by the eminent Ruth Clark). The Guild always does a good job, so it’s a no brainer if you’re a Guild Member and looking to upgrade your ID thinking.
Then I’ll be doing talks on mobile learning (naturally, promoting my forthcoming book) for several different groups . I’ll be covering why and how. You should pick the one that matches your group affiliation (and schedule):
I’ll be doing a mobile webinar for ASTD (free to members, I believe) on the 20th (next week) on Thursday the 2oth at 11 AM PT.
Training Industry Quarterly also is hosting one (free) on the 24th of February at 10 AM PT.
Finally, on March 8th 10:30 AM PT I’ll be doing an eLearning Guild Thought Leader webinar on mobile.
Hope to see you at one of them!
I’m looking forward to your Guild presentation. I just passed the info along to my team.
If we aren’t a member of ASTD we aren’t able to access a description of the mobile presentation. Can you please share that?