Among the things I’ve been doing lately is talking to folks who’ve got content and are thinking about the opportunities beyond books. This is a good thing, but I think it’s time to think even further. Because, frankly, the ebook formats are still too limited.
It’s no longer about the content, it’s about the experience. Just putting your content onto the web or digital devices isn’t a learning solution, it’s an information solution. So I’m suggesting transcending putting your content online for digital, and starting to think about the opportunities to leverage what technology can do. It started with those companion sites, with digital images, videos, audios, and interactives that accompany textbooks, but the opportunities go further.
We can now embed the digital media within ebooks. Why ebooks, not on the web? I think it’s primarily about the ergonomics. I just find it challenging to read on screen. I want to curl up with a book, getting comfortable.
However, we can’t quite do what I want with ebooks. Yes, we can put in richer images, digital audio, and video. The interactives part is still a barrier, however. The ebook standards don’t yet support it, though they could. Apple’s expanded the ePub format with the ability to do quick knowledge checks (e.g. true/false or multiple choice questions). There’s nothing wrong with this, as far as it goes, but I want to go further.
I know a few, and sure that there are more than a few, organizations that are experimenting with a new specification for ePub that supports richer interaction, more specifically pretty much anything you can do with HTML 5. This is cool, and potentially really important.
Let me give you a mental vision of what could be on tap. There’s an app for iOS and Android called Imaginary Range. It’s an interesting hybrid between a graphic novel and a game. You read through several pages of story, and then there’s an embedded game you play that’s tied to, and advances, the story.
Imagine putting that into play for learning: you read a graphic novel that’s about something interesting and/or important, and then there’s a simulation game embedded where you have to practice the skills. While there’s still the problem with a limited interpretation of what’s presented (ala the non-connectionist MOOCs), in well-defined domains these could be rich. Wrapping a dialog capability around the ebook, which is another interesting opportunity, only adds to the learning opportunity.
I’ll admit that I think this is not really mobile in the sense of running on a pocketable, but instead it’s a tablet proposition. Still, I think there’s real value to be found.
Do you think with the explosion of tablets like the ipad and fire that there is now a market for this expanded book? I get the feeling that you can find these for the tablets and that the ebook format is already outdated. My daughter uses her ipod touch in the way that you indicate but as you mention, the screen size is a bit too small. She ends up going back to her laptop to read. As tablets become more cost effective, there will be more demand for the integrated books as you describe. One thing I haven’t seen (although I know of many who are working to develop this) is the game or simulation for learning.
Toolwire specialise in online experiential learning and are doing some really interesting work in exactly this – partnering with publishers to integrate textbooks with Toolwire Learnscapes. Students will study the texts and then practice their newly acquired learning and skills in the digital media simulations.
Have you looked at what Inkling ( is doing? They have eBook text books with built in knowledge checks and the ability to hit your social network to compare notes and ask questions. Really good stuff. I believe they are in beta for a publishing solution to be offered in the cloud. It is the software they use internally to create their eBooks. I agree that there are a lot of “eBooks” that are simply glorified PDF files being used to check off the eBook box for an organization.
Virginia, I think tablets will be the right platform for new formats, and not just reading but interaction. Already there are limited versions (e.g. quizzes), but have been playing with an HTML5 app on GoClass (caveat: the developers are a long time business partner and client) where you can push a ball and get a data chart on time/speed/distance.
Sarah, I’m talking something new, a reverse where the sims embedded in the content, not the already well-explored space of sims with content available externally. (NB: speaking of caveats, Sarah works for Toolwire, as her link indicates.)
Sean, I’ve heard of Inkling, and that social thing is pretty cool. The embedded questions are also seen in Apple’s ebook format (, but I’m still hoping for more.
Thanks for the feedback.