Today’s opening keynote for the ASTD Middle East North Africa event was ASTD’s leader, Tony Bingham. Tony did a clear and cogent argument for social media in organizations, without shootouts to Jay Cross, 70:20:10, Dan Pontefract, Marcia Connor, the Mayo Clinic, IBM, the CIA and more.
Thanks for this mindmap. I’m trying to fill in the gaps and making some assumptions with the themes..Where you write ” Future of training department is facilitators” I assume you mean a change of role? Not facilitators as we knew them in the past, but facilitating use of collaborative work practices (with and without technology).
Interesting to see that 56% not accepting job if social media is banned. This is one of many questions around technology and social media policies I ask in job interviews. To some they find it confronting that policy is questioned..Invariably you have to end up explaining it but there’s a balance not coming across as a troublemaker!
Helen, you infer correctly, that the future of the training department is in a facilitation role, facilitating learners to learn for themselves and more importantly with one another.
I know people may freak out over the term, but I prefer ‘consultants’ and specifically ‘learning and collaboration consultants’ … a true ‘guide on the side’ role
Dan, Charles prefers ‘performance consultants’, and I think that title’s better, but the role is facilitation. I think we’re saying roughly the same thing.
Thanks, Clark. This is a nice summary. Hope you enjoy yourself over there!