This post is just a bit of elearning silliness, parodying our worst instincts…
Welcome back my friends, to the show that never ends. We’re so glad you could attend. Come inside, come inside! – Emerson, Lake & Palmer: Karn Evil 9, 1st Impression, Part 2.
It’s so good to see you, and I hope you’re ready for fun. Let’s introduce you to the many attractions to be found here. We’ve got entertainment suitable for all ages, and wallets! You can find something you like here, and for an attractive cost.
To start, we have the BizBuzz arcade. It’s a mirror maze, where all things look alike. Microlearning, contextual performance support, mobile elearning, chunking, just-in-time, it’s all there. Shiny objects appear and disappear before your eyes! Conceptual clarity is boring, it’s all about the sizzle.
And over here is the Snake Oil Pool. It’s full of cures for what ails you! We’ve got potions and lotions and aisles of styles. It’s slippery, and unctuous; you can’t really get a handle on it, so how can you go wrong? Apply our special solution, and your pains go away like magic. Trust us.
Step right up and ride the Hype Balloon! It’s a quick trip to the heights, held aloft by empty promises based upon the latest trends: neuro/brain-based, millennial/generations, and more. It doesn’t matter if it holds water, because it’s lighter than air!
Don’t forget the wild Tech Lifecycle ride. You’ll go up, you’ll go down, you’ll take unpredictable twists, followed by a blazing finale. Get in line early! You’ll leave with a lighter pocketbook, and perhaps a slight touch of nausea, but no worries, it was fun while it lasted.
Come one, come all! We’ll help you feel better, even if when you leave things aren’t any different. You’ll at least have been taken for a ride. We’ll hope to see you again soon.
This was a jest, this was only a jest. If this were a real emergency, I’d write a book or something. Seriously, we do have to pay attention to the science in what we’re doing, and view things with a healthy skepticism. We now return you to your regularly scheduled blog, already in progress.
[…] eLearning Land Clark Quinn, Learnlets, 28 November 2017 “It’s so good to see you, and I hope you’re ready for fun. Let’s introduce you to the many attractions to be found here.  We’ve got entertainment suitable for all ages, and wallets!  You can find something you like here, and for an attractive cost.” […]