In our LDA conversation with David Irons, User Experience (UX) Strategist, for our Think Like A…series, he mentioned a concept I hadn’t really considered. The concept is ‘design debt’, as an extension of the idea of ‘tech debt’. I was familiar with the latter, but hadn’t thought of it from the UX side. Nor, the LXD side! Could we have a learning debt?
So, tech debt is that delta between what good technology design would suggest, and what we do to get products out the door. So, for instance, using an algorithm for sorting that’s quicker with small numbers of entries but doesn’t handle volume. The accrued debt only gets paid back once you go back and redesign. Which, too often, doesn’t happen, and the debt accumulates. The problems can mean it’s difficult to expand capabilities, or keep performance from scaling. I think of how Apple OS updates occasionally don’t really add new features but instead fix the internals. (Hasn’t seemed to happen as much lately?)
Design debt is the UX equivalent. We see expedient shortcuts or gaps in the UX design, for instance. As Ward Cunningham, an agile proponent, says:
Design debt is all the good design concepts of solutions that you skipped in order to reach short-term goals. It’s all the corners you cut during or after the design stage, the moments when somebody said: “Forget it, let’s do it the simpler way, the users will make do.”
It’s a real thing. You may experience it when entering a phone number into a field, and then hear it’s not in the proper format (though there was no prior information about what the required format is). That’s bad design, and could (and should) be fixed.
This could be true in learning, too. We could we have ‘learning debt’. When we make practice (and I should note for previous and future posts that includes any assessment where learners apply the knowledge we’ve provided) about knowledge instead of application of knowledge, for instance, we’re creating a gap between what they’ve learned to do and what they need to do. That’s a problem. Or when we put in content because someone insists it has to be there rather than a designer deciding it’s necessary for the learning. Which adds to cognitive load and undermines learning!
How often do we go back and improve our courses? If we’re offering workshops or some other instruction, we can adapt. When we create elearning, however, we tend to release it and forget it. When I ask audiences if they have any legacy courses that are out of date and unused but still hanging around their LMS, everyone raised their hands. We may update courses whose info has changed, but how many times do we go back and redo asynchronous courses because we’ve tracked and have evidence that it’s not working sufficiently? Yes, I acknowledge it happens, but not often enough. (*cough* We don’t evaluate our courses sufficiently nor appropriately. *cough*)
Ok, so everyone makes tradeoffs. However, which ones should we make? The evidence suggests erring on the side of better practice and less content. Prototyping and testing is another step that we can take to remove debt up front. With UX, lacks in design early on cost more to fix later. We don’t typically go back and fix, but we can and should. Better yet, test and fix before it goes live. Another way to think about it is that learning debt is money wasted. Build, run, and not learn, or build, test, and refine until learning happens?
There are debts we can sustain, and ones we can’t. And shouldn’t. When our learning doesn’t even happen, that’s not sustainable. Our Minimum Viable Product has to be at least viable. Too often, it’s not. Let’s ensure that viable means achieves an outcome, eh? It might not be optimal improvement, or as minimum in time as possible, but at least it’s achieving an outcome. That’s better than releasing a useless product (despite no one knowing). , even if we get paid (internally or externally). What am I missing?
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