Next week is DevLearn, and as it’s run by the eLearning Guild, it’s always good. I’ll be switching time between two pre-conference symposiums, one on games, and one on mobile. Then I’ll be presenting on Deeper Instructional Design, doing Breakfast Bytes on (learning) games in the organization and one with Jay Cross on hot topics from the conference, and will be part of Jay Cross’ Learnscaping presentation. Whew!
The learnscaping will resurrect for the Corporate Learning Trends conference. Run by George Siemens, Tony Karrer, and Jay Cross, it’s got good content, and the price is right (free, as in beer). The Learnscape co-conspirators here, Jay, Harold Jarche, Jane Hart, and myself will be talking about our thinking behind it. We’ll also be running a learnscape environment alongside the conference.
I won’t be at TechKnowledge 2009 at the end of January, but it’s a good conference. I’ve been involved in the past, and can vouch that it’s well organized, and works hard to have a solid line up.
In February, there’s the Training 2009 conference in Atlanta, and I’ll be running a mobile certificate program beforehand (I’ve designed what I think are some really valuable activities), as well as talking on mobile and deeper ID.
I haven’t heard yet about the eLearning Guild’s Annual Gathering in Orlando next spring, but it’s worth keeping an eye out for. They throw great events.
Finally, the last one on my schedule as of now is ASTD’s International Conference and Exposition. I’ll be running a one day pre-conference workshop on eLearning Strategy, and I’m really excited about getting into the details of how you tie together the individual tactics of courses, portals, eCommunity and more into a coherent solution.
Remember, this is part of your professional development, and they’re a lot of fun usually, too. If you attend one of these, do say hello!