I got turned on to Common Craft‘s videos a while ago, and they’re excellent. I follow Lee LeFever on Twitter, and he tweeted about the question of addressing politics in his blog, and there’s quite an interesting response.
I’d wondered if I should discuss politics in my blog. I’ve decided for the same reasons Lee cited that I wouldn’t, though some issues that do touch my work or I think could get more widely known may get mentioned (health care, electoral reform, etc). Fortunately, Lee’s resounding feedback was that he was right (at least in comments, he said his emailed feedback was different), so I’ll stick to my policy.
Twitter tends to lure me into more personal exposure, I note (since it’s easier to toss off a twitter comment, it can be more spontaneous and coming from emotion as well as cognition. Some of my colleagues are quite open on Twitter, and while I’ve tried to keep it mostly balanced, who knows?
I of course talk to my colleagues in person (likewise with you too), but the blog is a place for my professional learning reflections. I may occasionally stray when I think it’s common sense (though of course common sense is noteworthy by how uncommon it is).
So, I’ll keep Learnlets professional, and save my personal comments for when we’re talking in person. Fair enough?