A while ago, I created a diagram that captures my notion of the performance ecosystem. At the DevLearn conference last November, I held a session where we collaboratively populated the system. A number complained that just putting text on the ‘map’ didn’t help capture the range, and I had to agree. They wanted to use ellipses or some other way to capture the range of the tools, and there were some differences of opinion.
It occurred to me then that I’d seen a collaborative diagramming tool that we could use to do this online, and promised to arrange it. However, I couldn’t remember the tool, and then I couldn’t for the life of me find it when I got home.
Well, I just found it: Gliffy, a reasonably powerful online diagramming tool, and I’ve opened an account and created the graph again:
However, you don’t have to take my approach, you can go in and edit it, too! Just let me know what your email is, and a little bit about you (I need *some* sort of filter…:), and I’ll add you to the collaborators. This is an experiment, so let’s see how it goes!