The time has come to ask: what should be my next book? I’ve written four so far:
Engaging Learning was something I felt was needed because people had written about the importance of games but no one was writing about how to design them, and I could.
Then, while I wanted to write about elearning strategy, my publisher wanted a book on mobile and I realized one was needed and the other likely candidates deferred. Hence, Designing mLearning.
After that, my publisher’s sister company wanted a book on mlearning for higher education, and I ended up writing The Mobile Academy.
And then I finally convinced my publisher to let me write the elearning strategy book, and Revolutionize L&D was the result.
Let me be clear: I’m proud of each and every one of them. I think each does the job it was designed to do, well. However, each was written because either I or the publisher felt there was a need. Which isn’t a bad thing, but it’s not the only approach. While I have some ideas, and of course it’s up to my publisher (unless I self-publish), it occurs to me to ask you what book I should write next.
So what is the next book you would like to see from me? What book do you want or need that isn’t out there yet, and that is one that I am the person to write? Here’s your chance; I’d greatly appreciate it if you took just a minute or two to give it some thought and write out your ideas. What do you think?