Kai told stories about his experiences in music and used them to draw lessons for us. He inspired us to connect to our purpose and experiment, and demonstrated what he meant through playing.
Search Results for: mindmap keynote
John Medina #ATDTK Keynote Mindmap
Kevin Carroll #ATDTK Keynote Mindmap
Tom Reeves AECT Keynote Mindmap
Thomas Reeves opened the third day of the AECT conference with an engaging keynote that used the value of conation to drive the argument for Authentic Learning. Conation is the component of cognition that consists of your intent to learn, and is under-considered. Authentic learning is very much collaborative problem-solving. He used the challenges from robots/AI to motivate the argument.
Derek Cabrera AECT Keynote Mindmap
Marcy Driscoll AECT Keynote Mindmap
Patty McCord Litmos Keynote Mindmap
Mark Kelly C3 Keynote Mindmap
Astronaut Mark Kelly gave a warm, funny, and inspiring talk. He used stories from his youth, learning to fly, becoming an astronaut, and being husband to Gabby Gifford to emphasize key success factors.
(I confess that owing to his style of elocution, punctuating stories with very pithy comments, I may have missed a point or two at the beginning until I picked up on it.)
Barry Downes #Realities360 Keynote Mindmap
Barry Downes talked about the future of the VR market with an interesting exploration of the Immersive platform. Taking us through the Apollo 11 product, he showed what went into it and the emotional impact. He showed a video that talked (somewhat simplistically) about how VR environments could be used for learning. (There is great potential, but it’s not about content.). He finished with an interesting quote about how VR would be able to incorporate any further media. A second part of the quote said: “Kids will think it’s funny [we] used to stare at glowing rectangles hoping to suspend disbelief.”
Maxwell Planck #Realities360 Keynote Mindmap
Maxwell Planck opened the eLearning Guild’s Realities 360 conference with a thoughtful and thought-provoking talk on VR. Reflecting on his experience in the industry, he described the transition from story telling to where he thinks we should go: social adventure. (I want to call it “adventure together”. :). A nice start to the event.