I was talking about learning games a year or so ago, and mentioned a concept that’s slowly been percolating since. The idea was based upon the notion that we don’t design content, we design experiences, and therefore it could be useful to think of a learner’s emotional trajectory through the experience.
In words I described it as “wry recognition (of the necessity), followed by some slightly apprehensive anticipation, which would segue to growing confidence and finally a feeling of growth and then closure.
I’ve take my first stab at capturing it:
The notion is that, as you progress, your confidence should increase and your anxiety decrease, while motivation develops for the learning from the beginning, and then is maintained until the end. Your feedback solicited.
A colleague passed this message:
And it seemed to me that this is indeed a link worth pursuing. I’d also talked about the experience I hoped for (initial apprehension, wry recognition, etc), but decided to see if I could capture it in a graphic (my personal learning approach).