A few months back, courtesy of my colleague Jay Cross, I got into discussions about the EdgeX conference, scheduled for March 12-14 in New Delhi. Titled the “Disruptive Educational Research Conference”, it certainly has intriguing aspects.
I was asked to talk about games, the topic of my first book. Owing to unfortunate circumstances (my friend and co-speaker on games had to change plans), it looks like I’ll also be talking about mobile (books two and three) which is exciting despite the circumstances.
However, what’s really exciting is the lineup of other people speaking. I’ve been a fan of George Siemens and Stephen Downes for years, and an eager but less focused follower of Dave Cormier and Alex Couros. And I’ve only met Stephen once, and am eager to meet the rest. I don’t really know the other speakers, but their positions and descriptions suggest that this is going to be a great event. Meeting new and interesting people is one of the reasons to go to a conference in the first place! And, of course, Jay will be there too.
I’ve been to India before, as one of my partners has it’s origins there, and it’s a fascinating place. Part of the conference is to look at how the latest concepts of learning play out in the Indian context, but given that it’s across K12, higher ed, and corporate, we’ll be talking principles that are across contexts.
Looking at disruptive concepts, with top thinkers, in an intriguing context, makes this an exciting opportunity, I reckon. I realize it may not make sense for many readers, but I’m hoping some will be intrigued enough to check it out, and there will be a steady stream of related materials. Already there are links from many speakers, and resources about the Indian education context. If you do go, please say hi!
Hellow Clark !
After meeting you in mlearncon 2011, I look forward to hearing you again in Delhi ! It indeed looks like a very interesting array of speakers and topics !
Wow, Clark, that is certainly a power players lineup. Lucky you! I do hope the back channel will be active. It sounds fascinating.
I am looking forward to this conference for multiple reasons–the key one of course is that I will get an opportunity to meet those who have shaped my thinking around learning, education, and the power of networks. I have been talking to Viplav and one of our hopes is to hold more such conferences in India and enable our educators to think differently about learning, and about the importance and need for building their PLNs.