Jane Hart compiles, every year, a list of the top 10 tools for learning. And, of course, it’s that time again, so here we go. I like what Harold Jarche did about tagging his list with the steps of his Seek-Sense-Share model for Personal Knowledge Mastery, so I’m adding that as well. In no particular order:
1. Word: I write most of my articles and books in Word. The outline feature is critical for me (and the main reason I haven’t switched to Pages, it’s just not industrial strength) in structuring my thoughts, and writing is one of the ways I think out loud. Sense & Share.
2. WordPress: the other way I write out loud is on my blog (like this), and my blog is powered by WordPress. Share.
3. OmniGraffle: diagramming is the other way I think out loud, and I’m regularly getting my mind around things by diagramming. Sense.
4. Google: the core tool in my searching for answers for things. Seek.
5. Twitter: a major source of input, pointing to things of interest. Seek.
6. Facebook: also a source of insight. Seek.
7. Skype: continues to be the way I stay in touch with my ITA colleagues (Seek, Sense, & Share)
8. Mail: email is still a major tool for getting pointers, staying in touch, asking questions, etc. (Seek, Share)
9. Keynote: creating presentations is another way I organize my thoughts to share. Sense & Share.
10. OmniOutliner: another way of organizing my thoughts. A different tool for the same purpose. Sense.
What tools do you use?
Hi Clark,
Nice list. :)
If I may share mine:
• TED talks
• Google
• Evernote
• Dropbox
• Twitter
• Facebook
• LinkedIn
• Hootsuite
• Google Plus
• Wordpress
All the best,
I am trying to move most of my tools into the cloud these days. Writing, note-taking and sense-making is happening in Google docs+slides+sheets+keep. This way, I can access my work from anywhere, on any device (I change my working place and device multiple times throughout the day). I am also getting into concurrent editing and working-out-loud using these tools, e.g. inviting people to see what you work on while you work on it. The good news is that you can jump in at any point and help others who are also working-out-loud. Current challenge is to find ways to better organize all the knowledge gathered and picked up on the way. Reading it offline and research later is important, e.g. Dropbox and Pocket do a great job here. I try to avoid creating a personal taxonomy/structure (e.g. folder system) and go with the flow, e.g. through tagging or stay with a simple chronological order. We’ll see where it goes.