I’m not flamboyant, nor funny. I’m occasionally irreverent, and those who know me personally can probably regale you with my love for puns and wordplay. Of course, I think irreverence is undervalued, and am inclined to think it may be the only truly effective tool for addressing myths, superstitions, and misconceptions. So I took some time on my walk today and thought about it a bit. Here’re the results with some extensions.
X Styles (e.g. learning, leadership, etc)
Why don’t you just use astrology? It’s cheaper, and has about as much validity!
Dale’s Cone
People will believe about 10% of what you write, 50% of what has a cute alliterative phrase, 70% of what you tout in a video, and 90% of what’s in a well-produced infographic. (Aside: I think this is the secret to marketing.)
Images processed 60K times faster than text
That has to be right, because images are processed visually, while text is processed…hey, wait a minute!
Attention span of a goldfish
Because we no longer…’scuse me, I’ve a notification on my phone…
This new generation has no respect for tradition, said the ancient Greek philosophers.
I could go on, but that would spoil the fun. I’d like to hear yours! Cheers to irreverence!
I don’t have any snappy one-liners, but I watched you crush the Presentation Roulette a few years ago at LSCon. You were hilarious at that!
Very kind of you to say;’twas fun!
Clark, you always make me smile!
That’s my looks! (Thanks!)