Sarah Prevette closed the Learning Solutions conference with a rapid fire overview of Design Thinking and a passionate case for making the success skills of the future to be entrepreneurship. Starting with her experiences, she laid out success factors, and suggested that these skills were learnable and should be the curriculum.
Search Results for: mindmap keynote
Sarah Lewis #LSCon Keynote Mindmap
In a thoughtful presentation, Sarah Lewis kicked off the second day of the Learning Solutions conference. She used compelling stories of innovations to paint a picture of mastery, failure, and grit, the elements of success.
Baratunde Thurston #LSCon Keynote Mindmap
Baratunde Thurston opened this year’s Learning Solutions conference with a funny and interesting keynote talking about storytelling. Hard to capture humor in a mindmap, but his takehome was a valuable concept.
Danielle Feinberg #Trgconf Keynote Mindmap
Danielle Feinberg of Pixar shared her story of using computer science to create the visual art and storytelling for Pixar movies. She illustrated the process of being creative under constraints by being ‘scrappy and clever’. She also illustrated the process with representations of intermediate stages and the stunning results from the movies. Inspiring, as hard to capture in a mindmap.
David Eagleman #Trgconf Keynote Mindmap
David Eagleman gave a humorous and insightful keynote at the Training 19 conference. He helped us see how the unconscious relates to conscious behavior, and how to break out and tap into creativity. Here’s my mindmap:
Jessica Kriegel #DevLearn Keynote Mindmap
Jessica Kriegel closed DevLearn with a witty and wise presentation taking apart the ‘generations’ and ‘millennial’ myths. In short, it’s basically age discrimination. Don’t do it!
Marcus Buckingham #ATD2018 Keynote Mindmap
Marcus Buckingham, in a passionate and witty presentation, skewered many beliefs from a valuable perspective. He exhorted us to look at the positive, and emphasize what we do well, and value your uniqueness.
Barack Obama #ATD2018 Keynote Mindmap
The official opening event to kickoff ATD’s International Conference, was our 44th President, Barack Obama. Prompted by questions from Tony Bingham, he eloquently addressed education, values, and more. Thoughtful, witty, and ultimately wise, an inspiring session.
Nancy Giordano #LSCon Keynote Mindmap
Nancy Giordano was the closing keynote for the Guild’s always excellent Learning Solutions conference. In a rapid (!) talk, she gave a different cut through the changes we are facing and strategies for coping. Thought-provoking!
Platon #LSCon Keynote Mindmap
Platon, a portrait photographer extraordinaire, gave a poignant presentation about leadership. Starting with some presidential anecdotes, he weaved in celebrities on the way to world leaders. He ended with a powerful message about doing right and wrong and how leaders can tap into empathy to do the best for the people they represent.