As I work with more folks in developing learning games (er, sorry, scenarios or simulations, we can’t use the ‘g’ word :)), I refine my understanding of how to streamline the process (and make it more pragmatic). I’ve just added two tools to the resources on the site for the book: templates/guides for a concept document and the storyboard.
I’m now focusing on using the notion of decisions, with correct choices (in a setting) and consequences, and misconceptions and their consequences, as the core design framework.
In developing a design, I use a concept doc to capture the initial objective, representative decisions and associated misconceptions, etc. It also pragmatically captures a proposed storyline (to advance the discussion).
Once the concept doc is signed off, you start work on the storyboard, which captures the look and feel, each screen (or screen type), prose, rules, variables, etc.
I welcome feedback on either, as well.