My travels are a little more restrained this first half of the year, but then again, things change! And, it occurs to me to talk just a little bit about the things I do that aren’t speaking, writing, and consulting. So here’s my spring 2020 schedule and a bit more.
First, I’ll be speaking at ATD’s Techknowledge conference. I’m doing several things, including:
- a talk on ‘transforming learning’ (a recurrent theme of late ;)
- a talk on professionalism in practice (e.g. resisting myths)
- potentially assisting another session
- signing books
They’re doing things differently, and I laud their experimenting!
I’ll also be the opening keynote at the ATD New England annual conference on March 27. I’ll be talking the L&D Revolution.
There’s one more event coming June 15-16, in Belgium. I’ll be speaking at Mathias Vermeulen’s LearnTechDay, and running a workshop. Topics TBD, but I’m hoping it’s an LXD workshop and a Revolution talk. Games and mobile are, of course, also on the table.
That’s it, for now.
I briefly wanted to mention the other things I do, just so you have an idea of the weird influences that affect me.
I’m a CERT Plans Chief for my area of the city. Community Emergency Response Teams assist in dire events (wildfires, earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, floods, etc) when first-responders (police, fire, EMTs) are overwhelmed. It’s valuable to me to know how to protect my family, friends, and neighborhood.
I’m a board member and treasurer (still asking myself how I agreed to that) for IBSTPI. The International Board for Standards in Training, Performance, & Instruction has been involved in creating competencies for different roles like Instructional Design, Instructor, etc. It’s in the process of a revitalization (stay tuned). I am in it to learn more about competencies.
I’m also on the board of eLearn Mag, an online journal of the Association for Computing Machinery (the society in computer science). The goal is to publish papers at the intersection of research and practice. This involves serving as associate editor for Emerging Technologies, reviewing papers, and soliciting some as well. If you’ve got a documented innovation, let me know and we can talk about getting it published. No PR!
I do serve as an occasionally reviewer for some other conferences and journals (e.g. Instructional Science and Education Technology Research & Development), to keep my knowledge up.
And I’m on the advisory board of a university ID program.
I also am serving on the committee of a Ph.D. student. I see my role as providing some real world balance (along with some academic knowledge).
When possible, I donate blood. My blood type’s O- CMV-, which means I’m the universal donor (and buggered if I ever need blood). I’ve donated gallons, and somehow it still doesn’t keep me thin!
All of the above is also about giving back. However, it means my philanthropic bandwidth is pretty much full ;).
There you have it, my intended peregrinations on my spring 2020 schedule (if you’re at one, say hi!), and a brief insight into how and why I spend my (few) extra cycles.