So, as you (should) know, I’ve written a book debunking learning myths. Of course, writing it, and getting your mitts on it are two different things! I’ve been seeing my colleagues (the ones kind enough to write a blurb for it) showing off their copies, and bemoaning that mine haven’t arrived. Well, that’s now remedied, it’s here! (Yay!) And in less than a week will be the official release date!
My publishing team (a great group) let me know that they thought it was a particularly nice design (assuring me that they didn’t say that to all the authors ;), and I have to say it looks and feels nice. The cover image and cartoons that accompany every entry are fun, too (thanks, Fran Fernandez)! It’s nicely small, yet still substantial. And fortunately they kept the price down.
You can hear more about the rationale behind the work in a variety of ways:
I’ll be doing a webinar for the Asia Pacific region on Thursday 19 Apr (tomorrow!) 6PM PT (9AM Friday Singapore Time).
I’ll be presenting at ATD’s International Conference in San Diego on Tuesday, May 8th at 1PM.
(There will also be a book signing in the conference book store at 4PM. Come say hi!)
There’s a webinar for ATD on May 24th at 11AM PT (2PM PT).
Another webinar, for the Debunker Club (who contributed) on June 6 at 10AM PT, 1PM ET. Details still to come.
Also, Connie Malamed has threatened to interview me, as have Learnnovators. Stay tuned.
So, you’ve no excuse not to know about the problem! I’d feel a bit foolish about such publicity, if the cause weren’t so important. We need to be better at using learning science. Hope to see you here, there, or around.